IT Services
September 19, 2024

Bring Your Own Device, But Not Your Own Risks: A Guide to BYOD Policies

The best tool for the job is often the one you already know. Using your own device at work can boost productivity and convenience, and sometimes it's just a necessity. However, it also raises important questions about security: How can we ensure that using our personal devices doesn’t compromise the security of our entire work network?  
In this blog, we’ll cover the essentials of BYOD policies, their importance, and how you can protect your business by implementing the right controls.

What is a BYOD Policy?

A BYOD policy is a documented set of rules and guidelines that governs the use of personal devices (such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets) for work-related tasks. It serves as the foundation for the technical controls that are put in place, outlining the organisation’s approach to ensuring security, managing acceptable use, and defining both the company's and employees' responsibilities. This policy sets the standards for how personal devices should securely access corporate data, applications, and networks.

Without a well-defined BYOD policy underpinning these controls, businesses risk exposure to data breaches, loss of intellectual property, and hefty fines due to non-compliance with industry regulations.

Why is a BYOD Policy and Control Set Important for Businesses?

Implementing a BYOD approach is not just about convenience—it’s about protecting your business. Here are five key reasons why a well-structured BYOD policy coupled with an implemented technical control set is essential:

  1. Security: Personal devices can become significant security risks if not properly managed. A robust BYOD policy ensures that all devices meet specific security requirements such as encryption, strong passwords, and antivirus software.
  1. Compliance: Many industries require businesses to follow strict data protection regulations. A BYOD policy helps you adhere to these legal standards, minimising the risk of penalties.
  1. Productivity: Allowing employees to use their own devices can increase flexibility and efficiency. However, this benefit must be balanced with security and compliance controls.
  1. Cost Efficiency: BYOD reduces the need for businesses to purchase and maintain a large number of company-owned devices. However, the policy must define the level of IT support provided for personal devices to avoid escalating support costs.
  1. Data Management: A good policy controls how company data is accessed, stored, and transmitted on personal devices, reducing the risk of data leakage or misuse.

Tailoring Your BYOD Policy and Control Set to Your Business Needs

Every business is unique, and so are its security needs. A BYOD policy and control set shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all approach. Each organisation must thoughtfully create an approach that aligns with its specific operational setup, risk factors, and the level of technical expertise among staff.

We emphasise the importance of customising your BYOD policy to reflect the competencies and risks of your environment. For example, businesses without a dedicated IT team may need different support structures and simpler controls compared to a tech-heavy organisation. We work with our clients to develop tailored policies that ensure their BYOD practices are effective, secure, and fit for purpose.

Policy vs. Controls: What’s the Difference?

When we talk about BYOD, it’s essential to understand the difference between policies and controls.

  • Policy: This is the high-level framework that outlines the organisation’s security requirements, desired behaviours, and written processes that underpin the organisation’s overall approach to BYOD. It defines what is expected and why, but it doesn’t provide the specific details on how to enforce these expectations.
  • Controls: These are the specific technical actions and processes that implement the policy within a given environment. For example, within a Microsoft tenancy, controls are the rules that isolate work environments from personal ones, ensuring that corporate data and personal data remain separate. These controls can enforce password complexity, require device encryption, limit access to sensitive data based on role, and even restrict certain applications.

Controls provide the how—the practical steps that protect your business by ensuring that personal devices adhere to the security standards outlined in the policy. In a Microsoft environment, these controls ensure that corporate data can be wiped remotely without affecting personal data, creating a clear boundary between work and personal spaces.

Essential BYOD Controls to Protect Your Business

At The Virtual IT Department, we recommend the following key controls as part of any BYOD policy:

  1. Security Controls: These include encryption, antivirus software, and strong passwords for all devices accessing company resources. Devices that don’t meet these standards should be denied access to corporate data.
  1. Data Access Controls: Restrict access to sensitive company data based on the employee’s role. Not everyone needs access to all data, and this control limits exposure in the event of a security breach.
  1. Incident Reporting: Employees must promptly report any loss, theft, or security compromise involving their personal devices. Remote data wipe capabilities and access deactivation should be part of your control framework.
  1. Compliance Controls: Ensure that all personal devices comply with legal and regulatory standards. Regular audits should be conducted, and non-compliant devices should have access restricted until they meet the required standards.
  1. Support & Maintenance Controls: Define the level of technical support your company will provide for personal devices. Employees should understand what support is available and what responsibilities they have for maintaining their own devices.

How Often should you review your BYOD Policy?

Just like disaster recovery plans and business continuity strategies, your BYOD policy and its controls should be reviewed annually. Regular reviews ensure that both the policy and controls remain relevant, up-to-date, and in line with current security risks. Even a quick half-hour review can help identify gaps, confirm that everything is still compliant, and ensure that both the policy and controls are effective in protecting your business.

How BYOD can Work for Your Business

At The Virtual IT Department, we’ve successfully helped many organisations develop safe BYOD practice. By segmenting company data from personal data on mobile devices, we ensure a clean barrier between work and personal apps, reducing the risk of data contamination for both the organisation and employee.

There are several benefits to adopting a BYOD policy:

  • Cost Savings on Hardware: BYOD eliminates the need for companies to purchase and maintain a large inventory of devices for employees, leading to significant hardware cost reductions.
  • Ease of Contractor Access: Contractors and temporary workers can access the organisation’s environment using their own devices, making onboarding quicker and more flexible.
  • Increased Employee Productivity: Employees are often more comfortable and efficient using their own devices, which they are familiar with, leading to smoother workflows and higher productivity.

Our solution provides an easy-to-use experience for employees, with personal and work apps running separately on the same device. This allows administrators to wipe corporate data without touching any personal information—keeping the process clean and efficient for both the business and the employee. It’s also important for organisations to assure their staff that they cannot access personal data, as the segregation works both ways.

Conclusion: Safeguarding Your Business with a BYOD Policy

BYOD can offer significant benefits, but it requires a well-thought-out policy and controls to reduce risks. By using the right security measures and regularly reviewing your BYOD policy, your business can enjoy the flexibility of personal devices without compromising security.  

If you’re exploring BYOD for your business or looking to improve your existing policy, reach out to The Virtual IT Department here or call us on 1300 10 10 40. We’re here to help make BYOD safe, secure, and seamless for your organisation. For more on the topic feel free to check out a recording of a recent Lunch and Learn we did on all things BYOD.

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